Friday, January 26, 2024

No M ore Around with Youth Soccer

Whether you’re a parent looking for a local soccer team for your child to join or a coach looking for tips and tricks to help your team get a leg up on the competition, is a resource you’ll want to add to your bookmarks.

Our site is full of amazing information on finding soccer teams, product reviews, recruiting advice, and training drills. Let’s dive into the wealth of soccer content we provide to help you or your kid become a champion.

Finding a Soccer Team: Hunting down a team on google and sorting through the best options can be time consuming. So we’ve done the work for you. Our site offers extensive resources on finding the perfect soccer team for your child. No matter your age, skill level, or whether you’re in Huntsville, Alabama, Phoenix, Arizona, or anywhere in between, we’ve got the insights you need. Check out our guide on finding a soccer team for detailed steps to connect with local clubs that match your skill level and ambitions.

Soccer Product Reviews: There’s nothing worse than your cleats falling apart a few games into the season mid–strike. That’s why you need an someone to test them out beforehand so you’re not out a goal and a lot of cash. Explore our site and get insider knowledge on comprehensive soccer product reviews. From the latest PUMA Kids Soccer Cleatsinspired by Neymar Jr.’s style to the durable Franklin Sports Blackhawk Soccer Goal, we review products that cater to every player’s needs. Dive into our reviews to find gear that will elevate your game. If you’re looking for a gift or the right equipment for your child, soccer enthusiast, or a coach you love, you’re bound to find the perfect match on

Recruiting Insights: Navigating soccer recruiting can be tricky and you’ve got to know what you’re doing to give your child the best chance of making it to the collegiate level. Our articles provide invaluable insights into the college soccer recruiting process, outlining the key steps, strategies, and tips to help you succeed. Explore our post on college soccer recruiting to understand the competitive landscape and how to get noticed. You’ll want to start early to set your young soccer player on the path to college and success.

Training and Drills: We know time is limited with all the activities kids and families have to navigate each week and there’s nothing worse than wasting time doing drills that aren’t beneficial for your child’s skill development. Ensuring your soccer drills are spot-on is crucial. Our site features a 21-day soccer training program with meal plans and detailed instructions for drills. From agility exercises to technical skill development, we’ve got you covered. Start with Day 1 of our 21 Day training program and build your skills each day. Get the out of your precious time by following this in depth guide.

Soccer Training Games: Our strategic articles, like the Soccer Training Ball Reviews, offer insights into enhancing your tactical skills through engaging gameplay — a perfect blend of fun and education. One of our favorites is the Dribbleup soccer ball which gamifies skill-building.

Mental Preparation: Even kids with tons of potential can burnout and lose interest in soccer or other passions. Focusing on the mental side of the game is an often overlooked facet of the game that you want to prepare for. We discuss mental preparation strategies for athletes, including visualization and goal-setting. Refine your psychological approach to the game with our guidance on mental preparation in soccer.

Offensive Tactics: If you’re looking to become the next Messi, you probably should’ve started in the womb, but if you still want to make a splash on offense, you need proper skills and tactics to move the needle. Our posts on offensive play delve into energy-rich meal plans and drills to boost your shooting accuracy and scoring opportunities. Read more on improving offensive play and dominate the pitch.

Defensive Skills: If you prefer to spend your time slide tackling vs dribbling, then maybe defensive is your jam. Our defensive skills section is packed with content on tackling techniques and positional awareness. Learn how to fortify your defense with our defensive skills drills.

Hydration and Nutrition: Find out how the right meal plan can enhance your performance and stamina on the field. Get the full scoop on our hydration-focused meal plans. We also offer our take on hydration beverages you may want to incorporate to perform your best on a hot summer day.

Strength and Conditioning: Although building quads is great, you also don’t want to have the upper body of a Tour De France cyclist. Our articles on physical conditioning are designed to help you build the muscular endurance necessary for the sport. Discover our muscle-building snack ideas and strength routines focused on leg and core power. Elevate your physical game with our strength building tips.

Maintaining your Love of the Game:

If all you’re doing is playing, you’re in good shape, but it’s crucial to not lose your passion for the game. One of the best ways to keep the passion alive is attending games and seeing the best in the world duke it out on the pitch. If attending a game isn’t in the cards for you, find a team as a family that you can passionately support and keep the flame alive. There are many resources on how to watch soccer leagues around the world and we have a great resource for watching free and paid soccer matches on our site. We also have resources for Spanish speaking fans to watch fútbol they love around the globe.

Conclusion: Our site is your ultimate soccer destination. With detailed examples of content ranging from team finding to skill development, you’re now well-equipped with latest resources, products, and tips to be the best you can be as a parent, player, or coach. Explore, learn, and transform your gameplay with our expertly crafted guides and reviews. Check out Youth Soccer Sports today!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


The Help is a black and white movie about color.

Sound like a Laffy Taffy joke submitted by Jason H. from Omaha Nebraska?

Well it's not. Quit being insensitive.

The Help explores the beginnings of the civil rights movement in America and the beginnings of obesity in the South.

The culprits for keeping the blacks subjugated? Uppity white women and all the time on their hands.

The culprit for childhood obesity - the ratio of crisco to chicken on every dinner plate south of the Mason Dixie Line.

The Help spend most of their time getting bossed around by snippy, high brow white ladies and make the best of it by laughing boisterously at things that aren't funny, an epidemic that has persisted today through Tyler Perry and TNT's House of Payne.

Have things really changed in 50 years?


Basketball teams still have "owners." Sure, the venues have changed from outdoor plantations to indoor hard wood courts, but Blacks still do most of the work, standing or running for 4 quarters worth of basketball while their "owners" sit in box seats, eat caviar and buy and trade "players" like they're nothing more than a commodity.

Sure advances have been made. Now blacks get shipped off to new owners in private jets instead of the hull of a cargo ship. Instead of drinking from separate fountains, most people would give up their first-born to drink out of the same bottle as Lebron James. They're not indentured servants, they're payed for their time with millions of dollars, loads of women, endorsements from Nike, and a parade in their honor if they win the championship instead of a good flogging after a hard days work.

Are whites better than blacks? No.

Are blacks better than whites? Yes.

Basically anything you can think of. Running, Jumping, Blocking Shots, Bustin' Rhymes, Marrying Beyonce, Being Beyonce, Negotiating with Israel and Palestine, Winning the Nobel Peace Prize, and Narrating Penguin Movies.

Blacks have left whites with a sad history of perverse crimes, and a rich future of trapping beavers and water sports. And rightly so.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


So there are a lot of questions circulating these days about Blade Runner. Will there be a remake? Will it be as good as the original? Will Harrison Ford be too old and brittle to re-tackle this role and have to hand over the reigns to Shia Lebouf or some other former Disney star or Duff sister?

The answer is, simply: Who cares?

Blade Runner received a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes. That alone should require an SEC investigation. 92%. That's the same percentage Colin Powell gave to the UN affirming that Iraq had WMD's. Coincidentally, those are the same odds that the only way I'll have offspring is by attaching a picture of Leonardo DiCaprio to my sperm donor application and forging a diploma.

Blade Runner takes place in the future, and being from the future and looking back on what Blade Runner was guessing at I can honestly say they got a few thing right and a most things wrong.

Where they succeeded?

Like Madam Cleo, the writer looked into the stars, threw down the cards, and found a housing bubble the size of the BP oil spill.... and then charged you $8.50 for his trouble.

I refer to the toymaker in the movie who lives alone in an apartment building and says, roughly, "This place is empty. Plenty of housing to go around." A housing surplus? In California? Only Nostradamus, Ron Paul, and the Austrian School of Economics could have gotten this one right.

They also predicted that Harrison Ford would still be a crowd-drawing romantic lead in spite of kissing like a robot.

So where did it all go wrong?

Flying cars, robotic lovers, and steam coming out of every vent in America. Sounds like a movie starring a prepubescent and pre-parkinson's Michael J. Fox or a creepy Japanese fetish, and maybe that's what this movie was supposed to be. A sex vacation to Thailand for a bunch of wealthy Toyota execs, or maybe it's just an overrated glimpse into a future that will never exist.

The one thing Rotten Tomatoes got right? There's a 92% chance I'll never listen to their reviews again.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


About 20 minutes into the movie, Justin Timberlake gives out an anguished cry when his mother runs out of time. That same anguished cry was echoed by about 80% of viewers as they watched JT try to act.

Amanda Seyfried's body gives an amazing performance while her hair, face, voice, and head give... up on trying to make this movie watchable.

Not only did the writer run out of time to compose better dialogue, given what we saw in the final cut, the director ran out of time for more takes, the movie ran out of money for special effects, and I ran out of patience.

This movie teaches us the valuable lesson that stereotypes, generalizations, and oversimplification of the complex interplay between government policy, money creation by the Federal Reserve, and the pitfalls of corporatist lobbying and governmental appointments of officials that aren't accountable to the electorate, mean that all corporations are evil and only enrich themselves at the expense of the poor.

I'd just like to thank everyone that made it possible for me to watch this movie. My phone for letting my friend miraculously call me to invite me to see it. Fandango for making sure there were seats available. My car that turned a 25 minute walk into a 3 minute drive. The studio for taking a gamble on such a ridiculous script and putting up the money, hiring the production crew, and paying a marketing team that would eventually convince me to go see it.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The first Win in Win Win is that somebody let Paul Giamatti act. I feel like 90% of my job interviews would have ended up in the unemployment line if I walked in looking like that. Actually, 90% did so that doesn't say much for the mug I'm sporting either.

The second Win is that Paul's wife is pretty hot in the movie. We also know that they had intercourse at least twice due to the presence of 2 daughters. This proves he could either afford in vitro, which is highly unlikely given his financial woes at the beginning, or it proves that his marriage was, inexplicably, for love. Intercourse supplies the third and silent Win in Win Win.

Win Win teaches us that lying to make money at the expense of an old man's happiness can lead to family drama, getting disbarred, and a state wrestling championship.

Sex offenders will love this movie featuring pre-pubescent teens wrestling with each other in next to nothing, dime sized boy nipples, and a very obedient young man that wont take much convincing to get into your van.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Brad Pitt is at his absolute finest… in Snatch. He seriously should have received an honorary degree for that Pikey. He’s also pretty darn good in Moneyball.

Maybe I’m easily taken by movie magic. Maybe I’m a little bit gay (but are you really gay if you can recite from memory every little detail in Brad Pitt’s face?), but the young Bratt Pitt’s lips are, remarkably, present day Brad Pitt’s lips to a T. Maybe it was excellent casting, maybe it was the fact that Jonah Hill’s face makes everyone look like Brad Pitt by comparison, but that was either time travel or there’s a doppelganger on the loose.

Moneyball did for me what no amount of game dogs and hot wings can do. It made me love baseball. Not enough to start a fantasy team, or even enough to even watch a game, actually, but there is something romantic about one man at the plate against one man on the mound and everything on the line. There’s also something very romantic about Brad Pitt’s lips. Have I mentioned that?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Spoiler Alert, kind of.

Drive is a movie about a guy who only gives one word answers, but still manages to pull a total babe. He makes up for his lack of charm by stomping peoples heads, stabbing curly haired men in the stomach and driving his car fast when he's kicking ass and slow when he's getting groceries or wooing another man's woman with his silence.

Surprisingly, not that much driving is done, but a lot of kicking ass is done, and done well. It's also surprising that Ryan Gosling stopped a fight on the streets of New York in real life, but in fake life he held a man's head under water 'til he drowned. Kind of a double standard there, guy.